Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Osteen Video

Really pondering more about the current Osteen's video that is making the rounds on social media. - Some are being as gracious as possible, some not. - I don't know the Osteens. We've never met. I've never been to their home, never sat in his office, never had a cup of coffee with him. We've never had a conversation. I say that to say that I have no platform on which to speak of motive that they may or may not work from. - But I do say this. They are intentionally deceiving thousands of people OR they have been deceived and are deceiving thousands of people without realizing it. Either way, I don't see truth in what they teach. (Now before supporters bring me instances of things that he may have said that were true, please don't. I'm not saying that he has never said anything that is true; however, the doctrinal and theological platform that he espouses is false.) - I'm not one to often use labels on people, but what she proclaimed in that video is false. It props up the idol of self. There is NO Biblical backing for what she said. If you are a fan of theirs, I would exhort you in the name of Christ; examine what they say compared to the Bible. Be a student of the Word. Be able to, with sensitivity from the Holy Spirit and guided by the truth of the Bible, identify error and falsehood and cling tightly to the truth. - He may be a great motivational speaker and that is fine; but a preacher and teacher of the scripture, he doesn't appear to be.

 When people have asked me "What do I think of Joel Osteen?" I tell them I don't know him. He seems like a really nice guy, but like I said, I've never met him. Then the inevitable eye-roll comes and they ask me what I think of his teaching/writing. I've never read one of his books. (I don't need to know how to feel better about myself. I struggle enough with pride.) I'd rather spend that time looking at what the Bible tells me God says about me. As a preacher, I've got about this (...) much time to listen to preachers on tv and Osteen NEVER TEACHES ME ANYTHING except how to have a positive metal attitude and about how something new and better is coming my way.

Tell that to my brothers and sisters in Christ who will die tomorrow for their faith. Yes, eternity is coming their way, but I don't think that is what Joel is talking about.

Tell that to my brothers and sisters in Christ who share our faith but not our freedom and who will hide tomorrow instead of worship in a stadium.

Tell that to my deceived and spiritually immature brothers and sisters who are rolling in it and assume that God is blessing them and the sketchy way they do business b/c of the financial results. 

Tell that to millions of believers in the world who pray not that they will avoid persecution but rather that their backs will be strong in withstanding it.

 So I guess, no. I don't like his teaching. And if he isn't a false teacher in our day, I'd say he's as close as we've got.