I've searched the depths of my heart and mind and cannot find a place where I could really care any less about what Starbucks puts on its cups this time of year.
Why wouldn't I care? I say, why would I?

Why would I expect a company who claims no Christian affiliation to even recognize a Christian holiday? I've never heard a Starbucks executive come out and claim to be a follower of Jesus. (I'm not saying there aren't, I've just never seen one.) I've never seen any evidence in the company or its marketing or merchandise that would lead me to believe that Starbucks affirms any of the good news of the gospel or the exclusivity of Jesus. They make coffee, they aren't a church.
So there, I genuinely could not care any less.
If you are a follower of Jesus and drink coffee, I'd remind you that we are called to steward well all that God puts into our hands. Instead of expending energy on your protest, do some research and find a coffee company that uses part of its profits to do good work in the world from a Christian foundation and a Biblical worldview. If you'd rather go and buy coffee from Starbucks, treat your barista well. When you order, speak in a way that honors Jesus and wish them Merry Christmas if you like; then take your red cup and enjoy, and remember that the person who just handed you that coffee may not know Jesus yet either. Are they closer to coming to know him by the way you just interacted with them? Besides, isn't that what Christmas is about, bringing salvation and hope to the world?
(But wait a minute. Thanksgiving hasn't even come yet...but that's another blog.)