This is Graham. He is an adventurer. He is a climber. He is an outdoor kid. He is a wearer of khaki cargo shorts. Often. Most days. And specifically, THIS pair of khaki cargo shorts. And today, they've come undone. His request was simple. He had worn out these shorts and needed new ones. Not ten pair, just one. One to replace the one that was used up.
In my pondering the phrase that has come to mind is "strategically simple". By strategically simple, I mean not just simplicity for the sake of being simple, but simplicity with purpose. Simple, for the sake of something greater. Simplicity as a means to something bigger, not as an end of itself.
As I pondered, I asked myself some questions. I started with "Will I do with less so that those who have none may have enough?" Do I really "need" anything? I have food to eat. I have clothes to wear. I have a bed in which to sleep that is indoors. My wife and I have health by which we can be employed to care for our family's needs. God has been wonderfully good in His provision for us. I WILL do with less, so that those who have none can have enough. I WILL give strategically to support ministries of the church, denomination, and others around the world to serve those with the most need.
"Will I spend strategically for the sake of the gospel and ministry causes?" How do I spend the money that God entrusts to me? For example, I love to drink coffee. There are TONS of groups/companies who do good work for people all around the world via coffee. I mean, how easy is it to buy something that I already need and to spend that money with a company that will do good with the money I give them. No brainer. In that, I will look for companies that use percentages of their profits well and support them. I WILL spend strategically to use the resources God has given me to advance kingdom causes around the world.
"Will I NOT spend for things I don't need?" I have SO SO SO SO SO much. I have clean clothes to wear EVERY DAY. I have NEVER not had access to clean drinking water...and didn't have to walk a mile for it. I have NEVER had to build a fire to cook at my house to feed my family. So, why do I buy more stuff? Do I really NEED another pair of pants or another blue shirt? How many ________ do I need? Nothing. I have need of nothing. We buy what we don't need OFTEN. We buy for others what they don't need OFTEN. Let's not do that this year. If you want to buy a gift in the year, give a donation in someone's honor to One Heart Africa ( and help Ryan and Anna Carmichael, or to Belay Global ( and help Heather Bennett. Give to the International Mission Board ( or the North American Mission Board ( Give to the work of the Tennessee Baptist Convention ( and invest in things like the Tn Baptist Children's Home or the Tn Baptist Adult Home. There are so many people doing such great work. Join in.
2017 is going to hold some AWESOME opportunities do invest in the eternal. Let's use them well and let be strategically simple. Who's in?
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